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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Spectacular ficus with highly ornamental branches and foliage, all covered in a red-golden velvety tomentum. IIt does well indoors in high light and will give the feeling of a wild, wild jungle.
This is one of the most ornamental Ficus species. Leaves are huge, rounded, ribbed and velvety., They are bright red when they are new. As an adult, it is a large shrub to small tree, some 2-12 m tall. Figs are edible too and they are truly beautiful, because they grow directly on the trunk with a velvety shine.
One of the most beautiful trees on Earth is the "banyan", a huge strangling fig from India, where it is widely considered sacred. The largest specimens can cover surfaces up to two hectares! By chance and by luck, juvenile specimens make excellent house plants.
Decora is a classic cultivar of the famous Ficus elastica, with incredible foliage. The new leaves are dark green, almost black, even in large trees.
Dwarf, compact selection of the gigantic rubber banyan tree. Leaves are glossy, and bronze. 'Melany' will eventually develop as a dense, elegant shrub and will do well as a house plant in bright rooms.
Showy ficus from Africa with very large glossy leaves. It grows with erect branches with no aerial roots. Ficus lyrata makes an excellent ornamental both for the house and the subtropical garden!
Ficus microcarpa, also known as Ficus retusa nitida, is a tree from harsh areas of India which is found planted as a street tree throughout the warmer Mediterranean.
The sacred Bo Tree of tropical Asia is a spectacular ornamental with heart-shaped leaves, with their typical driptip appendix.
This green-leaved form of Ficus rubiginosa is one of those that grows fast but it also soon makes enormous masses of aerial roots.
Ficus microcarpa, also known as Ficus retusa nitida, is a tree from harsh areas of India which is found planted as a street tree throughout the warmer Mediterranean.
One of the most beautiful trees on Earth is the "banyan", a huge strangling fig from India, where it is widely considered sacred. The largest specimens can cover surfaces up to two hectares! By chance and by luck, juvenile specimens make excellent house plants.
A frost resistant tree relative of the more tropical Sterculia and Brachychiton.
2 year old seedling, H:20 cm. This Folotsia or Cynanchum looks quite different from those that are around. The thick stems are surely attractive because of their beautiful mottling.
Beautiful glossy green spineless Furcraea, native to Northern South America. The beautiful large rosettes attain 2 m in mediterranean conditions and almost 4 m in tropical climates. As most other furcraeas, it will stay small and stable forever if kept in pots.
Garcinia intermedia is a species of tropical Central American tree which produces tasty fruit. Is known as the lemon drop mangosteen (a name it shares with the closely related and similarly tasting Garcinia madruno). In Spanish it is called mameyito, though it is known as jorco in Costa Rica.
This Malagasy relative of the genus Bauhinia is "the ultimate bauhinia". A sought-after plant still hard to find in collections and botanical gardens.
Ginkgo is a fabulous Asian tree, able to grow in cold temperate to subtropical climates. It is an excellent ornamental but it is also appreciated for its medicinal properties.
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