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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This is one of the most exotic syngoniums. Arrow-shaped leaves reach about 30-50 cm. This species is native to Chiapas in Mexico, and it is still quite uncommon in cultivation, despite it grows quite easily.
Magnificent fruit tree with ornamental glossy red fruits and neat foliage. This Water Apple was originally imported from Australia as "Syzygium sp. Cold Hardy". Its fruits are the largest and beautiful of all the S. aqueum we tested. We know nothing about it cold-hardiness but yes, it keeps on growing during our cooler months.
Magnificent fruit tree with ornamental glossy red fruits and neat foliage. This Water Apple was originally imported from Australia as "Syzygium sp. Cold Hardy". Its fruits are the largest and beautiful of all the S. aqueum we tested. We know nothing about it cold-hardiness but yes, it keeps on growing during our cooler months.
Tuberous-rooted perennial native to Tropical America, with fleshy leaves and delicate pink flowers followed by the small and colourful pink-white-yellow-red fruits. It is considered an ornamental, a caudiciform. a medicinal plant. and in some countries even used as a vegetable
This striking variegated variety of Talipariti tiliaceum has large, multicolored leaves streaked with splashes of green and cream. Some leaves even turn a deep maroon color.
Easy growing shrub or climber in the Bignonia family. It is able to bloom in a small pot too. Tecoma is native to the mediterranean areas of South Africa and it takes frost to about -4 C.
Tecoma capensis, the Cape honeysuckle, is a species of flowering plant in the family Bignoniaceae, native to southern Africa. Despite its common name, it is not closely related to the true honeysuckle.
Hot-red form of the "Cape Honeysuckle", a versatile, ever-blooming shrub or climber, suitable for pot colture or hedges. This dark-red flower is different to the typical orange-coloured Tecoma capensis.
This is the pure-yellow form of the well known Tecomaria, a flowering shrub from South Aftica, a popular trailing bush suitable for warm temperate to subtropical conditions.
A fabulous ornamental and useful tree, symbol of tropical beaches. Fruits are reminiscent of traditional almonds in terms of taste and shape. Its beautiful large leaves contain several flavonoids and they are used as medicines for different purposes. The tree is adaptable and attains 3 to 30 m tall, depending on conditions. Leaves fall in winter and turn...
Ornamental and aromatic shrub. 1-3 m tall, with velvety leaves and stems, It is intensely perfumed when scrubbed and bears sprays of cream-white flowers.
This is a new dwarf Philodendron. It is a selection or cross of the popular Philodendron bipinnatifidum, but 'Atom' will keep a compact growth and will stay much smaller, usually below 40 cm in height. It is good as a house plant, but it is also a cool-resistant plant for the tropical-looking garden.
Dwarf clone of the popular house plant, with beautifully crinkled small leaves. New foliage has a golden tone. It is just as easy as the wild forms and grows outdoors in warm mediterranean to tropical climates.
Self-heading "philodendron" with supreme glossy foliage. Leaves have an unusual architecture, forming a palmate-like leaf, tipically reminiscent of Schefflera actinophylla.
Low, spreading Philodendron with dense foliage. It is native to Brazil and makes a perfect exotic house plant, resembling a miniature of the more popular Philodendron bipinnatifidum.
Small tree in the mallow family which is resistant to drought, wind and seaside conditions.
Small sized ornamental palm from the Caribbean shores, with rounded fans of glossy leaves. It is very eay to grow and despite its tropical origin, it can stand cool temperatures (with no frost).
Lush vine with elegant foliage and exotic blue flowers with a yellow throat, widely called the blue bignonia. It is frost-sensitive and thrives in Mediterranean to Tropical climates.
Evergreen Brazilian shrub with velvety leaves and showy blue-purple flowers. It is a classic of subtropical gardening, but it also thrives in warm mediterranean conditions. This species also grows in cool weather but it is damaged by frost.
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