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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This Albino clone of Musa Nam Wah is obtained once in a long while when a plant of variegated Nam Wah gives a pup lacking clorophyll. This shoot will grow new leaves of an incredibly white colour, sometimes with a soft pink hue.
The quality of the fruit of 'Nam Wa Khom' is equivalent to others "Nam Wa" bananas, but the height of mature plants is only 1.5 m.
Musa acuminata is one of the wild ancestors of actual edible bananas. Fruits are sweet but small, with large seeds inside. Leaves are upright, with a pink tone and very ornamental.
Blood banana is a supreme ornamental for warmer climates or conservatories. The dark green leaves are splashed with purple-burgundy blotches. A classic of all-times for tropical gardening.
This is a wild banana with seed, the hardiest ancestor of most edible bananas. It is hardier to cold, wind and drought than most bananas. Fruits are edible but they are starchy and full of seeds. Fibres are strong and useful.
Wild banana tree native to the limestone hills close to Bau, in Sarawak with slender pseudostems and ornamental lush foliage. Mature clumps are particularly attractive, because they keep many slender "trees" that will happily live together without too much overcrowding.
Ornamental banana of moderate size, with very showy pink-orange inflorescences. The whole plant is usually only 2-3 m tall, the foliage is very ornamental and the bright bracts are often held at eye level.
The Musa sikkimensis, commonly known as the Sikkim banana or Darjeeling banana, is a robust, ornamental banana species native to the Himalayan region, particularly in Sikkim and northeastern India. This species is highly valued for its striking appearance and adaptability.
Is this the best ornamental colourful foliage on earth? This is a rather dwarf banana tree with fully speckled leaves with all the hues of orange and red, intermingled with lime-green speckles.
This remarkable musa from the Iholena subgroup, was discovered in Colombia, despite typically being native to New Guinea and Pacific islands.
Myrtus communis is the most classic Mediterranean Myrtle. Tarentina is the short leaved, compact form. It is a tough Mediterranean plant producing remarkable scents, both in leaves and flowers. It is easy to grow, also in pots.
A most popular carnivorous plant. This nepenthes can easily grow indoors too, we ship it with its hanging basket, much like the one in the picture.
"Splendens Foliis Variegatis" ... it is a splendid name! This variegated, double-pink oleander is an unsurpassed old European cultivar, which was first mentioned in 1854 in Handbuch der Blumengärtnerei, by J.W. F. Bosse.
Classic waterlily which is known from a large part Africa, spanning from Tropical Kenia to South Africa and Madagascar. Its flower shows he boldest contrast of blue and yellow. It is diurnal, with flowers opening and closing for three consecutive days.
Nymphaea Hardy Jakkaphong. Medium size. Pink flower, with random white or pink-white flowers. Bronze green leaf. Planting from 20 to 40cm deep
Nymphaea tropical Miami Rose. Intense pink flower, thin and lanceolate petals. Serrated leaves and marbled color.
This tropical waterlily is a piece of art. 'Missouri' is pure elegance, with white, lemon scented flowers and elegant dark-green leaves.
Nymphaea hardy Painted Lady. Medium size. Flower with many petals. Light pink color and sometimes all pink and sometimes white. The leaves are brown mottled with pink or yellow-white and randomly the leaf appears mottled in two colors brown and pink.
Nymphaea Hardy Paranee. Medium size. Predominantly yellow flowers, sometimes the petals are marbled with Red-Orange. Green leaves with brown ribs and edges.
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