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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This is the white flowered cultivar of the popular garden shrub from South Africa.
Stunning yellow/golden flowers with large clusters, top of petals curl over with white edge, rounded petals with rounded tips, heavy textured, with a beautiful pleasant peachy fragrance.
Potted plant. Kauka Wilder is rainbow coloured Hawaiian hybrid. It flowers twice a year, in May and October. Leaves are glossy, growth is robust and erect.
Adult, thick 60-80 cm plant. Small white flowers.
Potted plant. Large flowered, pink-rainbow hybrid from Hawaii.
This is the true, original Aztec Gold, from the USA, with large pendulous leaves and a non-erect, often leaning growth habit. And, of course, yellow flowers of unsurpassed beauty.
Adult, thick 60-80 cm plant. This is the double-flowered plumeria! This frangipani has double flowers with more than five petals. White and yellow. Highly sought-after by collectors.
Adult, thick 40-80 cm plant. Daisy Wilcox is still for us THE BEST Plumeria hybrid. The first flowers in season are the largest of all. The colour is so delicate! .... and the thick large clusters of flowers keep on going through many months.
Adult, thick 40-80 cm plant. Early season Pink-Red flowers with great spicy fragrance. These flowers last a lot of days if kept floating in water! The tree is quite robust and umbrella-shaped.
Almost everblooming! From Spring to Christmas. - Old, classic, great Plumeria cultivar with bight pink drooping flower heads. The plant is very easy to grow and quite upright, thin at first but very robust eventually, becoming a long lived tree. We offer an adult, thick 25-50 cm plant.
This Hawaiian Plumeria stands out for many reasons. The flower is spectacular,with a heavy petal texture and comes in large inflorescences which are sparse on the tree, but last many months. Its white petals are variably twisted and streaked with yellow and deep red.
Mont Blanc is very different from the usual Plumeria rubra hybrids. Bushy, wiht white-pink ruffled frilly petals, which are very uncommon in plumerias. It is something new in many aspects.
Parameno (Also spelled Paramino, Palameno or Palamino) is a Thai cultivar with thick, yellow-orange flowers and dark green leaves and stems. It is semi-compact in growth.
Scott Pratt is a dark red flowered Plumeria from Hawaii. For years it was called the "Black Plumeria", as its flowers are so dark-red-purple that they often look almost black. It has rather thin upright stems. Leaf midribs are tipically dark too.
Plumeria'Silver Leaf' is for us one of the most different and most attractive variegated plumerias. It has a delicate milky bloom all over the leaf and a cream-white margin that often becomes larger with white speckles. Flowers are pink and white with a yellow throat.
Also known as Hawaiian Yellow Plumeria and Graveyard Plumeria. This cultivar has large flowers with a big yellow center that fades to a creamy white at the tips.
Old cultivar from Sicily with a truly different white-and-yellow flower, with very slender petals and strong scent. The bark is silvery, somehow like Plumeria 'Palermitana'. Nobody knows if it is a Sicilian selection or if it was brought from somewhere else at least one century ago.
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