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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Most desserts in Thailand owe their taste to this plant! Beautiful dwarf spineless pandanus with aromatic leaves, used as a herb in SE. Asian cuisine. The neat rosette quickly grows in a dense clump of glossy green bold foliage 1-1,3 m tall.
This is one of the most beautiful and versatile ornamental Pandanus. It is totally spineless and it is bushy, with showy stilt roots.
This is one of the most ornamental species in the genus Pandanus. Leaves are very wide, deeply plicated with moderate spines and a drip-tip appendix. All is very elegant, of a deep and glossy green.
Palm-like tree of unreal architecture, native to Madagascar and Mauritius. A symbol of tropical gardening.
Palm-like tree of unreal architecture, native to Madagascar and Mauritius. A symbol of tropical gardening. Long specimen with 6cm of diameter and 1,1 meters long.
This tropical pandanus grows new white leaves. They turn green after some months, so the whole center of the crown is alway white, while the rest is green. It grows slowly.
Exotic climber in the bignonia family with white flowers with pink throat. This is a delightful variegated cultivar with white leaf margins.
Bat leaved passion flower is a small vine from Central America to Bolivia, with unusually shaped, which are very wide and very short, resembling the silhouette of a bat.
This rarely cultivated species of passion fruit produces beautiful flowers and bear sweet edible fruits with an unusual garlic overtone, therefore it is called the "Garlic Passion Flower" .
One of the most beautiful red passion flowers, with outstanding ornamental blooms of about 10 cm in diameter. It grows at higher elevations, in montane forests between 1500 and 2700 m. It bears edible ovoid fruits of 4-6 cm in diameter. green-yellow when ripe, with nice flavour. It is grown mostly for its flowers but its tiny fruits are a nice addition...
This passion fruit is named "Giant Granadilla" because of the size of the fruits. This vine has beautiful wide leaves and exotic fragrant flowers. It can fruit outdoors in the warmer Mediterranean. By now we ship tall plants 30-40 cm long. Click and see a picture.
Very ornamental passion flower with large pink-salmon flowers growing on long drooping inflorescences. It is easy and fast to grow in cool subtropical conditions. This spectacular vine thrives in places with cool summers has long been a favourite plant for growing in warm conservatories in temperate Europe.
Odd and beautiful ornamental shrub producing abundant blooms directly on the stem. This hard-to-find ornamental is a choichy classic of tropical and subtropical gardening.
Succulent shrub native to the Sonoran desert, down to Baja California. It branches from the base and flowers abuntantly with red "cyathia". Its stems will stand straight upright when grown in full sun and will arch gracefully if kept with some shade. Hardy to extreme conditions.!
Very ornamenal succulent peperomia from Peru. It is a shrublet with very dense pale green foliage, all glossy. Leaves look like praying "folded" leaves, but it is just their typical shape.
Nice succulent peperomia native in the dry Andes of Ecuador, at 2000-2500 m with red and dark-green leaves. Leaves are interestingly scented when rubbed or crashed. It grows well in medium shade or with morning sun. It is also suitable as an indoor plant.
A speckled dwarf Peperomia. This species is perfectly adapted to indoor conditions and makes an excellent house plant.
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