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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Attractive plant with glossy green leaves, speckled with purple. Long lasting pink-purple flowers are produced in throughout the year . It is native to Fiji and can be used as a house plant.
Exotic shrub with glossy golden-green leaves decorated by a network of dark green veins. Eevergreen, for frost free areas, suitable to pot colture.
This dwarf guava was originally brought from Reunion Island. It is a super dwarf guava with miniature leaves and small, good fruits. It is more a conversation peace than a real fruit tree, but it a nice choice for the fruit collector. It is possibly in the species Psidium guava.
It is one of the showiest climbers in the world, blooming in the cool months. The whole plant can be coated by its bright orange flowers. Pyrostegia thrives in Mediterranean to Subtropical conditions.
2 years old potted plant. This surprising tree that grows in sea water, forming thick stilt roots at the base.You can keep it for years in a bucket with soil and fresh water, as it does not really need any salt to grow. It will branch and form stilt roots and set fruits even in a large pot. Our plants descend from the populations in Subtropical Florida,...
Ornamental plant, native to Central America. It is an evergreen perennial, with a weeping habit. Stems and leaves are a bright green. New growth starts erect and then bends over to form a graceful mound. Russelia flowers almost continuously, with glossy red hanging flowers. It is commonly known as Firecracker plant, Coral plant, Coralblow and Fountain plant.
"Hapai" in Polynesian languague means pregnant, because this cane has "bellies, as the internodes are swollen. This is an ancient cultivar of Sugarcane.
Old, classic sugarcane, with purple-black internodes. It is a great choice for the family orchard because of its thick, compact growth and its beauty. Badila's juice is darker in colour too, It grows erect, straight, short and thick black stalks.
Old cultivar of sugarcane from the SE U.S.A., made for chewing, juice, candy-making, syrup production and, last and also sugar production, even if it new cultivars replaced it long ago in the industy.We offer a potted rooted plant.
"Red earth sugarcane" in Polynesian languague is one of the most beautiful cultivars of this useful crop. Stems and leaves grow in a in a wide range of hues, from purple to black, coated with a white shiny wax, increasing the black-and-white contrast.
Non-tropical sugarcane which has been traditionally grown in the upper parts of SE USA (coastal Georgia)The juice is deep purple and not yellow, as in most sugarcane cultivars.The flavour is pleasantly grassy and not too sweet.
‘Ie‘ie' is the Hawaiian name for the forest vine Freycinetia arborea, a climbing Pandanaceae with ribbon-leaves similar to those of sugarcane.We offer a potted rooted plant.
The Soap Tree, Soapberry or 'jaboncillo' is is a tree native to the Americas and some Pacific Islands. The fruit occur in large pyramidal clusters at the ends of branches and it is very soapy. You can actually wash your hands by simply rubbing the fruits! It is very easy to grow, also in pots, and can easily take short, light frost so it is suitable for...
Sauropus is a S.E. Asian perennial vegetable, which is very widespread in the home gardens of tropical Asia. Leaves are tasty and often eaten cooked, even though the younger leaves can be eaten raw and their taste is reminiscent of fresh peas.
This Schefflera arboricola is the once-common solid green form of a popular ornamental. It is like the wild type and it grows much better than the selected forms commonly found in the trade.
Small evergreen tree, appreciated for its conspicuous pink-red flowers occuring in autumn. It is perfect for Mediterranean conditions and will be a nice accent for sunny water-wise gardens. Its gnarled branches give to the tree a bonsai appearance
This all-white wooly Senecio is native to the Little Karroo of South Africa. It is easy to grow and makes a nice small shrub with vertical branches. Senecio haworthii is renown for its cold hardiness as it takes short frosts to -6 C. 'Mont Blanc' is a select clone which is a stouter and whiter than the typical species.
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