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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
nice ornamental succulent, unusual in the way it grows, because some stems creep and go underground, while some others grow erect. Blooms are very attractive, bright red. This clone of Kleinia stapeliiformis, is a descendant of plants originally collected in Limpopo, South Africa
1-2 year old seedling. Evergreen perennial from South Africa to 1.2 m, with long, arching angled leaves and dense rounded spikes of tubular bright red flowers fading to yellow. It flowers in mid winter and is therefore well adapted to the mild Mediterranean climate.
Cont: 14 cm. This is a new, unique shrub to small tree, native to semi-dry Madagascar. Koehneria is a poorly studied monotypic genus, described in 1986. but it is a relative of the most popular ornamental genus Lagerstroemia and its abundant pink flowers do justice to its "blood".
Spectacular ornamental tree from Asia, deciduous for a short time. It grows from cold temperate to subtropical areas with showy foliage, flowers and ornamental fruits.
Very exotic foliage, velvety, translucent and with bright copper patches This gesneriad grows up to 60 cm tall and blooms profusely in Spring and Summer with VERY exotic flowers. Say tree-gloxinia and many people will imagine this plant.
Each bulb bears two lanceolate leaves per year and produces showy spikes of white flowers, about 20 cm tall in March or April, just before leaves die off.
Henna is the most ancient dye, widely used from Northern Africa to India. It is a compact bushy tough shrub that can take frost to drought.
This is one of those American Amaryllids that drive collectors crazy. Each bulb produces one very large flower similar to Hymenocallis or Pancratium, but up to 18 cm in diameter!
Elegant evergreen shrub with deep green fragrant leaves that bears small flowers of white to pink in colour. It is resistant to moderate frost. This plant is called Manuka and it is known for medicinal purposes but also because it makes a special bee honey. There are also reports of therapeutic properties.
This is the hardiest species in the genus Licuala, resistant to drought, wind, coastal conditions and short light frosts. It is a clumping palm from SE Asia. Its leaves are fantastic, glossy pinwheels.
Lovely subtropical flowering tree, deciduous in winter, able to grow in harsh conditions. Inflorescences are abundantly produced and deeply scented.
This white honeysuckle is a classic of all times. It is a fast growing, robust vine with sweet smelling white flowers. Thesea are developed in pairs and turn cream coloured as they age. It can be kept low as a shrub. It is also used medicinally, both by modern science and by traditional Chinese medicine.
"Osage orange" is a deciduous tree from North America, producing unusual, large green fruits. These are unedible yet very exotic-looking and ornamental and resemble the fruits of the breadfruit tree.
Fantastic foliage shrub from Melanesia, with heart-shaped rounded leaves which are glossy, deep green, leathery and textured too! It is easy to keep in shape and size by cutting "canes" at any desired height.
Three 20 cm cuttings. Grey leaved succulent ground cover, with remarkable orange-red glossy flowers. It thrives incoastal Mediterranean climates, especially on slopes. It can also bekept in a pot and trimmed back seasonally
Evergreen, everblooming shrub with exotic hibiscus-like red flowers. "Mexicanus" is a classic form used for its beauty with much larger drooping flowers. It grows outdoors in Mediterranean to Tropical climates and takes drought. It is also suitable for pots and pruning so it can be grown in northern latitudes and kept pruned indoors in the coldest months.
Mandevilla sanderi is a vine with glossy opposite leaves and showy flowers. It is almost everblooming in warmer climates and it takes also cool temperatures (not frost!).
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