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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Mandevilla sanderi is a vine belonging to the Mandevilla genus. This is the red variety.
This is an extraordinary ornamental plant! Mangaves are intergeneric hybrids between Manfreda and Agave. Espresso is a variegated selection obtained from the already beautiful Mangave 'Macho Mocha'. It has a showy spineless rosette with blue leaves, spotted in burgundy, with white spotted margins.
Too beautiful to be true: this blue leaved plant is spineless and loaded with exotic purple spots. It is an excellent natural hybrid between intergeneric hybrid between Manfreda variegata and Agave celsii. Potted plants will stay below 1 m in diameter but field-grown plants can attain almost 2 m ! It is really hardy to frost: it stood -13 C in North...
Incredible shape and colours! It is a variegated cultivar of the popular tapioca or cassava. This deciduous shrub is an exciting addition to any tropical setting. We offer a well-rooted, 1 year old plant. It is a deciduous shrub
Incredible shape and colours! It is a variegated cultivar of the popular tapioca or cassava. This deciduous shrub is an exciting addition to any tropical setting. We offer a well-rooted, 1 year old plant. It is a deciduous shrub
This South American shrub is cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates with a tasty flavour. Leaves are very ornamental! We offer a pack of three thick cuttings, just the right size for rooting easily.
In this Cuban name, "Negra", meaning black, refers to the dark colour of the new leaves.This South American shrub is cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates with a tasty flavour. Leaves are very ornamental!It is partly deciduous in the cooler...
Ornamental shrub to small tree, 2-8 m tall, grown and admired for its symmetrical foliage. It is a relative of the edible Cassava (Manihot esculenta) found in tropical America, but this species is by far hardier to cold and it grows taller and stouter.
Elegant shrub with architectural shape. Regularly arranged pinnate leaves, show colouful petioles. Flushes of new leaves are bright red. This Canarian native grows wild at mid-low elevation, in mediterranean-like conditions. It is easy to grow and can be watered througout the year, as it is evergreen.
Spectacular flowering shrub to small tree, native to Africa. It produces long-lasting inflorescences of the brightest yellow.
This is one of the showiest shrubs in Tenerife, continuously flowering from summer to fall. Megaskepasma is the perfect garden shrub, with elegant opposite leaves and showy terminal blooms with crimson bracts and two-lipped white flowers.
Versatile shrub or small tree, with grey-green dende foliage and spectacular crimson pincushion flowers in spring and summer. It takes short frosts to about -5 C, drought, and harsh coastal conditions. This plant was selected in New Zealand from a plant wild-collected in Rarotonga, Polynesia and it was initially spread as Metrosideros thomasii.
What a beauty! This plant came out of the brazilian forests, and it soon became one of the most sought after indoor plants. According to begonia experts, this a "Spotted-leaf angel-wing cane-type begonia" and indeed the wings are dotted with silver circles.
This species rocks! It is a creeping plant, with sensitive leaves that respond to touch, heat or wind. When you touch the leaves they quickly close for a few minutes. It is from tropical America and it loves a lot of sun and heat.
Ornamental palm-like herbaceous plant from SE Asia to Australia. Palm-grass grows in bright shade and creeps as a tall ground cover, with very showy ribbed leaves, resembling the juvenile foliage of so many palms, like Syagrus romanzoffiana.
Selected clone with larger leaves and more fenestrations than usual, originally spread at auctions at Fairchild Tropical Garden in Miami. It is larger than a typical adansonii and more "skeletal", with more holes when it matures, and so it looks similar to a Monstera obliqua.
This is a variegated Cavendish banana trees, selected in Tenerife from the local banana named Cavendish Gruesa Palmera. They produce edible fruits and make great eccentric ornament. Fruits can have some stripes too! The Supreme will give a shocking plant full of stripes and bands on the very first cycle.
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