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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
TPP is a friendly version of its rather lengthy Thai name, which is spelled in many ways: Thippatumporn, Thippatumporn, Thiphathumton, Tippratumporn, Tippratummaporn. Its flowers have thick petals with can be pink, orange or white depending on temperature/season, but they always show an unmistakeable brown tone. It is a good bloomer, with dense...
Beautiful, different, purple flower, with special peach or brownish tones. It gives medium to large flowers with a pleasant and sweet aroma.
Seeds collected from a collection of selected hawaiian hybrids. They were open-pollinated and we mixed the seeds.
One seedling, 1-2 years old, about 15 cm tall. Seeds were collected from Plumeria Daisy Wilcox, which has the largest flowers of all hawaiian plumerias.
This plumeria endemic to karstic areas in Northern Cuba has narrow leaves with very revolute margins.
This plumeria endemic to karstic areas in Northern Cuba has narrow leaves with very revolute margins. 80cm tall specimen.
One of the most beautiful of all plumerias. The true wild Plumeria obtusa from Cuba is less ornamental than this one.
Semi-evergreen wild species from Northern South America. This plant is a true show! The most abundant blooming of all plumerias but no it has scent. It is all white !
'Arrow' is the only variegated Plumeria pudica. Leaves are "arrow-shaped", just in the typical green form, but they are irregularly marginated in white and cream.
Here we offer a larger plant of this semi-evergreen wild species from Northern South America. This plant is a true show! The most abundant blooming of all plumerias but it has almost no scent. It is all white !
This is a wild form of Plumeria rubra, not a hybrid or a selection as ALL the ones you will find in the trade. Wild types are tough guys from the coastal scrubs of Central America, able to withstand truly harsh conditions. It is very vigorous with large leaves. Flowers are white with a yellow center.
Plumeria trinitensis It is an endemic species distributed in the central region of Cuba. It has a tree-like growth habit. Caribbean species of this genus have white flowers with a yellow center.
Kusamaki Pine or Buddhist Pine is a tropical-looking small tree with dense, elegant foliage, grown in Asian in gardens from Hong Kong to Japan. It is a conifer, just like pine trees. The ripe cone arils are edible, though the seed should not be eaten. $ Buddhist Pine is highly regarded as a feng shui tree.
Polygala myrtifolia is an evergreen 2-4m tall South African shrub or small tree found along the southern and south-eastern coasts. It is a showy ornamental for mediterranean climates and it is hardy to about -4 C.
This purple-leaved shrub is a winner in subtropical gardening.
This garden selection has wide, dark green rounded-ovate leaves, mottled with cream white and pink. Pseuderanthemums are evergreen shrubs for frost free areas, also suitable to pot colture. They bear thick, glossy onamental foliage but also elegant flowers.
Tropical looking Exotic shrub Pseuderanthemum with green-and-white variegated leaves. Purple to pink flowers. Nice colorful specimen for bright shade or full sun.Eevergreen, for frost free areas, suitable to pot colture.
This is a garden selection with green leaves with cream-white speckles, lacking the purple hues of other cultivars. A great shrubs for frost free areas, also great accent plants in pots, native to the Pacific Islands.
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