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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This is a wow-foliage ornamental with wavy glossy leaves. One meter long wavy leaves are easy to attain in this species which branches and climbs a bit more than P. giganteum and takes harsher conditions with more sun, wind and drought.
Philodendron tortum is an epiphytic climber, found in a wide part of Amazonia, always up on tree trunks. It stands out in collections because its leaf blades are deeply pinnatifid, "skeleton-like", glossy dark green above, and pale green below, with a remarkable midrib. It does not climb fast and in cultivation easily stays bushy.
Slowly vining Philodendron with three-lobed leaves, thin-leathery and glossy, it is a climber and it has an abundant root system that will fill the totem and reach the soil.
This is a hybrid climbing Philodendron, with exciting leaves. BGB is a fancy name meaning Big Glorious Bastard (with a mix of references to its hybrid origin,to its P. gloriosum parent and to the movie "Inglorious bastards" It is a cross of Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron giganteum.
This is a hybrid climbing Philodendron, with exciting leaves. BGB is a fancy name meaning Big Glorious Bastard (with a mix of references to its hybrid origin,to its P. gloriosum parent and to the movie "Inglorious bastards" It is a cross of Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron giganteum.
Philodendron x 'Corsinanum' is a very old hybrid with marvelous ornamental foliage. Leaves are dark green with pale veins and wavy margins.
Philodendron x 'Glorious' is a striking hybrid plant created by crossing Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron melanochrysum
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Piper auritum is an aromatic shrub with large heart-shaped, velvety leaves, which grows in Central America. The common name "hoja santa" means "sacred leaf" in Spanish because it has many uses in Mexican cuisine and also as a medicinal plant. "Caisimon" is the tea, widespread in Cuba is made out of the leaves.
This small scrambling shrub has glossy attractive leaves, used as a popular herb in SE Asia. It is popular in Thailand, where leaves are used as starters, to wrap up bits of different food. The peppery flavour is not really spicy and after a while it is loved by most people.
Shrubby succulent with ornamental foliage and elegant spikes of showy blue/purple flowers. All leaves and stems are velvety very aromatic, rich in volatile oils. It is native to dry-deciduous forests in E Africa to India. Grows perfectly in pots or garden rockeries. Better protected from frost.
This edible plant is grown and used much like oreganon. Beautiful thick, hairy leaves and flowers. It is easy to grow in pots and very ornamental. It is a perennial, semi-succulent herb.
Mildly scented shrub to about 1 m tall, with attractive, rounded leaves, and beautiful blue-violet flowers. Plectranthus hyemalis was described in 1984, and it is native to rocky slopes in Southern Yemen, at about 1000 m asl.
8-12 cm rooted cutting, This is the "Mystery Plectranthus" collected in Galgallo, Somalia. It is very attrative because of its compact and symmetrical growth and flowers are simply spectacular, with abundant "hairs".
Very exotic small tree native to New Caledonia. Few palm-like branches hold large coppery red to dark green leaves with toothed edges. We offer sun-hardened plants, a perfect people-stopper for the coastal Mediterrean garden.
This is the typical blue-flowered form of Plumbago, an evergreen scrambling shrub suitable for Mediterranean climates.
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