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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Showy blooming climber native to Eastern Australia. It grows in Warm Mediterranean to Tropical countries.
Rare hibiscus from the Indian Ocean. We offer the form with orange-red shiny flowers, which is native to Reunion Island. It is an easy to grow tall shrub with ascending branches. It takes wind and drought and some cold too!
Wild Hawaiian beauty, with extraordinary colour and elegance.
Old, classic Hibiscus cultivar of unsurpassed beauty. Flowers are double, as a "flower within a flower" with lots of pink-orange shades. It originated as a sport of the red El Capitolio, and shares the same unusual flower shape and also the spreading growth habit with arching stems with few branches.
Beautiful African Hibiscus with elegant drooping flowers with reflexed, "schizo" petals. It is an easy to grow shrub with ascending spreading branches. It is a tropical plant but it can be grown outdoors in the warmer coastal Mediterranean. Photo from Wikimedia Commons.
This Hippeastrum has delicate crimson flowers with a yellow throat. H. blossfeldiae is native to sandy coastal areas in South Brazil, not too far from Sao Paulo. It does not stand frost but it grows in cool conditions with no need of really hot weather.
This wild Hippeastrum species builds large white-yellow flowers. The yellow colour is rare in this genus so this species has been used a lot to create new hybrids with some yellow.
This bulb grows easily and produces abundant scarlet flowers with a very elegant shape. Their colour is hard to describe and hard to portrait in pictures, of a spectacular, bright, salmon-crimson orange.
This is a lovely small species from SE. Brazil with the most unusual leaves in the genus: these are dark green with a bright white central stripe. Then it bears "reticulate" pink coloured flowers. This is the true wild species, not one of the hybrids commonly found in the trade under this name.
Mrs. Garfield is an old hybrid made in the UK around 1880, between a Dutch Hippeastrum hybrid and the diminute H. reticulatum var. striatifolium.
Australian hoya found on rainforest margins and rocky areas, with white fragrant blooms. It is easy to grow and somehow cold-tolerant, even though it does better if protected from frost.
This select clone of the popular Hoya carnosa has some pecultiar beautifully crinkled, leaves, with regular bumps on dark green blades. It is also a prolific bloomer and umbels well placed on the foliage.
Green leaves with white margins.
NEW! Hoya onychoides is a magnificent vine with large, dark glossy leaves and enormous purple flowers in large umbels.
This is one of the best Hoyas for Northern climates. Easy blooming and cool-hardy. It has beautiful round, glossy leaves and well shaped , long-lived, white blossoms.
This is one of the best Hoyas for Northern climates. Easy blooming and cool-hardy. It has beautiful round, glossy leaves and well shaped , long-lived, white blossoms. Cont.= 8,5 cm 6-10 leaves.
This hoya looks very well when hanging, leaves are light green with darker green prominent veins. It's often called "fishtail hoya" because of the pattern of the veins.
Cont.= 8,5 cm - Beautiful pink-flowered clone of Hoya pubicalyx. It is an easy growing succulent climber from the Philippines. Flowers are pink and have lots of flecks. It will grow in bright shade or morning sun.
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