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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Cont.= 8,5 cm - This is a dark red selection of the popular Hoya pubicalyx of the Philippines. Flowers are wine red to dark purple, velvety, coated with translucent fuzz.
Small and cute selected hybrid of Hoya carnosa var. carnosa x Hoya serpens. It has miniature leaves with silvery speckles and long lasting flower clusters. Easy growing, easy blooming.
This caudex ant-plant is an epiphytic plant that develop a huge chambered stem, providing shelter for some species of ants.In turn, these ant-plants, or myrmecophytes, receive nutrients and protection from the ants. The caudex of Hydnophytum moseleyanum can get quite large, up to 20-40 cm in diameter, and the bark is grey and smooth (much like the one of...
This deciduous species is grown as an ornamental in different areas of Mexico. Nevertheless it is scarce in the wild, as it is found in small and scattered populations in dry areas of C-SE Mexico.
If it is named "imperialis", then there must be a reason! It is the largest species in the genus, with wide leaves and large flowers.
This flowering shrub-tree is renown for its abundance of scent. Hymenosporum flavum is widespread from New Guinea to New South Wales, in Australia and can attain heights of 2-20 m, bearing clusters of flowers in different shades of white-to-yellow.
It is an endangered shrub of unrivalled beauty, with glossy leaves and large white "orchid-like" flowers splashed with red, 5-6 cm across. Keep it between 10 and 25 C for optimal growth. It is a fleshy-stemmed, much-branched, perennial plant growing to 1.5 m, with bright green leaves. It usually flowers in winter and early spring. It is not cold-hardy,...
This is one of the most useful veggies to keep at hand. It It will thrive almost anywhere and will produce tasty and healthy food throughout the warmer months, with an exotic ornamental accent. Flowers are pink, with a purple throat, abundantly produced by well-fed plants.
Chartreuse-leaved selection of the common sweet potato. This is a fabulous ornamental, used as a ground cover in Mediterranean to Tropical climate. Leaves are truly different, because of their yellowish, healthy colour. It is evergreen and can stand a reasonable amount of neglect.
Ipomoea carnea, the pink morning glory, is a species of morning glory. This flowering plant has heart-shaped leaves that are a rich green and 15–23 cm long.
Groundcover ornamental plant, with bilobed glossy leaves and deep pink trumpet-shaped flowers produced continuously through the warm weather. This plant is typically seen growing on sand in many tropical beaches of the whole planet. Of course it needs full sun and sandy or draining soil. It is very easy to grow but it does not like cold and only takes...
This species of Iris has dark green, sword-shaped leaves, with a variety of creamy white, ivory, or pale yellow usually running along the edges of the leaves in broad margins. It has small, very delicate, fringed, orchid-like flowers that are white with purple and orange markings.
This popular flowering perennial is called in English fringed iris or crested iris. It usually has blue flowers with blue and orange marings, but this is a less common blue form, with magnificent throats speckled in blue, white, yellow and orange. It is a perfect choice for those shady spots of the garden where little else would flower.
Ismene hawkesii is a rare flowering plant native to the dry Andean regions of Peru. It is known for its striking, fragrant white flowers with long, narrow petals and a central, trumpet-like corona that gives it an elegant appearance.
Hard to find ornamental shrub to small tree from the Caribbean islands. It has glossy, symmetrical evergreen foliage and abundant white flowers. It is easy to grow and takes hard conditions. It grows well in pots.
Ornamental shrub to small tree with heart-shaped leaves and showy hibiscus-like flowers. In this cultivar 'Rubrum' new flushes of leaves keep a beautiful dull red colour for months. It is a tipically coastal shrub, suitable to low elevations in Warm Mediterranean to Tropical Conditions.
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